Extracurricular Activities

Academics are an important part of your application, but we also want to know what you’re like outside the classroom. The Activities section of your application offers our Admissions Committee a glimpse into what excites you, what you’re passionate about, what responsibilities you have at home, and some of the ways you’re contributing to your community.

Read More about Extracurricular Activities.

Majors & Minors

At Penn, we believe that students benefit from seeing the world through a variety of perspectives and from charting a course that matches their unique academic and career goals.

Click here for the full list of Majors & Minors.

Kelly Writers House

Penn's commitment to the written word goes far beyond the classroom. Kelly Writers House is a unique programming space that is home to over 150 public programs and projects every semester. These unique opportunities include events such as live poetry, readings, film screenings, lectures, dinners, art exhibits, musical performances, workshops, and so much more. Additionally, the creative writing program at Penn highlights and supports student work both from students who are enrolled as Creative Writing majors or minors and students who are taking the courses for fun. 

Learn more about Kelly Writers House and creative writing at Penn.


Student Activities

Live your passions at Penn—and find others who share them. Penn is home to over 450 student groups that cover everything from academics, the arts, community service, cultural groups, political groups, and recreational organizations. Can't find exactly what you want? Starting a club and creating a community is easy and accessible.

Learn more about Student Activities

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