Systems and Technology

When Jackie decided on Penn Engineering, she wanted to focus on the intersection of her interests in chemistry and biology and selected Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) with a concentration in Biotechnology. At Penn, the CBE major is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on the fundamentals of chemical engineering as well as broader engineering concepts, including nanotechnology, environmental applications, and pharmaceuticals. Jackie is exploring the curriculum and countless research opportunities with an interest in finding solutions to modern technological problems.

Natural Sciences

During her junior year while fulfilling core requirements, Jackie focused on classes that bring theory into practice. In her Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Lab with Dr. Miriam Wattenbarger, Jackie was introduced to the applications of chemical engineering as they relate to pharmaceuticals and genetics. In addition to research exposure, students in this course also gained instruction in communication skills related to writing and presenting research findings.

Athletics & Recreation

Jackie is a Midshipman in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) at Penn. As part of the NROTC scholarship program, Jackie participates in physical training exercises and also takes Naval Science classes like Ship Systems, Leadership in Management, and Navigation. During the summers, Jackie explores different disciplines across the Navy, including submarines, aviation, and surface warfare. The purpose of the Navy ROTC program is to educate and train qualified men and women for service as officers in the U.S. Navy. After graduation, Jackie will be commissioned as an officer in the Navy.

Creative and Performing Arts

A tuba player since fourth grade, Jackie is a member of the low brass section of the Penn Band, which is among the largest and most active student-run organizations on campus. The Penn Band, which has around 130-members, performs about 100 times a year and is the only college band in the country to travel to men’s basketball conference games.

Jackie loves photography, so when she was looking for a work-study assignment, she jumped at the chance to be a student photographer for Penn’s Office of Admissions. She took on a variety of assignments, including student portraits, sporting events, and slice of life photos that capture students and campus.