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Penn Admissions Blog

Taking Advantage of Lunch & Learn at Wharton
Antía | December 7, 2017

At Wharton, we have the phenomenal opportunity to take our professors to lunch around campus alongside 1 or 2 peers compliment of Wharton Undergraduate Division. As a freshman, I had heard about this program but hadn’t even thought about taking part in it, probably because I felt like student-teacher relations in college were more formal and distant, unlike the ones I had in high school where classes were much smaller and we did not have lecture-structured courses. Then, during my sophomore fall semester I took a marketing course on Creativity and Idea Generation with professor Rom Schrift, who proposes that creativity is not a ability limited to creative people, but rather a skill-set that can be trained and developed like many others. I absolutely loved this class, and in one of our group projects one of my upperclassmen friends suggested we should take him out to lunch. I was a bit hesitant at first, but given that professor Schrift was truly approachable, he encouraged in-class discussion and participation and made an effort to know everyone’s names, I thought, why not?

And so, my friend and I took professor Schrift to Baby Blues, a southern-inspired BBQ restaurant on campus. In a more informal setting, we got to know more about his background, the marketing research he had conducted, how he ended up in Philadelphia after growing up in Israel, etc. He also asked about our undergraduate experience, he asked us for feedback on his course, etc. It was fun and relaxed and certainly inspiring: not everyone has the opportunity to have lunch with renowned professors that might seem very busy but actually want to get to know the students, their experiences, their interests, etc. I could not believe I had taken me so long to realize how much of an opportunity it is to have Lunch & Learn and how little advantage I had taken of it! Ever since, I have taken multiple members of faculty to different restaurants on campus.

About the author

My name is Antía, I was born and raised in Mexico City to Spanish parents and I’m currently studying in the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business. On-campus, I’m very involved with the Latino community through Wharton Latino and Mex@Penn, two organizations where I not only made some of my closest friends but further found a home away from home. I love spending my free time doing yoga and running, exploring restaurants and boutiques in downtown Philadelphia, trying out different coffee shops, and going to galleries and museums. I hope this blog will help you get a sense of what life at Penn is like and all the opportunities and unbelievable people here.

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