Extracurricular Activities

Academics are an important part of your application, but we also want to know what you’re like outside the classroom. The Activities section of your application offers our Admissions Committee a glimpse into what excites you, what you’re passionate about, what responsibilities you have at home, and some of the ways you’re contributing to your community. 

A few tips as you complete the Activities section:

  • Be yourself. We’re not looking for a specific, pre-determined list of activities for each major or academic program. We simply want to know how you spend your time. And remember, a well-rounded student can achieve just as much as a “pointy” focused student. Your contribution is uniquely yours. 
  • You can list a variety of experiences. Be sure to include school-related experiences, part-time work, family responsibilities, summer activities, community experiences, and more. 
  • Tell us the amount of time you spend on your extracurricular experiences. The amount of time you dedicate to each activity will give us insight into the depth of your involvement and a sense of the impact you’ve made. 
  • Spell out any acronyms. Sometimes an admissions officer won’t know what your club’s acronym stands for, so be sure to spell out the whole thing in the description if possible.  
  • Include specific responsibilities for each activity. We want to learn more about the ways you've contributed, so include details about your role whenever possible. 
  • Let the real you shine through. The more information you provide, the better we will understand who you are, what’s important to you, and the positive impact you’ve had on those around you.