
Jeriann concentrated in Operations, Information, and Decisions and Management with a specialization in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Wharton School of Business. One of Jeriann’s favorite classes was Management 231: Venture Implementation. The course had an unusual structure – students did not use a textbook and lectures were infrequent. Instead, students worked on their own start-up venture and received practical guidance from their professor and peers. At the end of the semester, students pitched their projects to angel investors and venture capitalists in the Philadelphia area. Throughout the course, Jeriann and her co-founder, Coco Wang, developed their venture, Candid Beauty, a curated cosmetics app that provides personalized make-up recommendations for women. Jeriann felt strongly that the Penn community, including connections developed during Management 231, was very supportive of aspiring entrepreneurs.


From class projects and case competitions to research and venture opportunities, teamwork is intrinsic to the Wharton experience. Jeriann met the Candid Beauty co-founder, Coco Wang, met through a case competition. As friends, roommates, and business partners, the Candid Beauty co-founders navigated entrepreneurship resources and programs on campus and in Philadelphia. One such opportunity was Weiss Tech House’s student-run accelerator Weisslabs, which connected Jeriann and Coco to resources, students, and faculty mentors. Weisslabs also sponsored weekly speaker events that encouraged student entrepreneurs to learn from industry experts. The Penn Wharton Innovation Fund also provided funding for Candid Beauty, which allowed Jeriann and Coco to implement and launch their industry-disrupting vision in Spring 2019.


Jeriann was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Student Federal Credit Union (SFCU), a student-run financial institution solely for the University of Pennsylvania community and committed to competitive banking services and products. As COO, Jeriann strengthened her leadership and communication skills while overseeing SFCU’s external operations. Day to day, she managed SCFU representatives and ensured that clients received high-quality service for all their needs. Reflecting on larger initiatives, Jeriann was particularly proud of her contributions to SFCU’s first money market account launch. Jeriann researched the feasibility of the operation and made sure all subsequent accounts were correctly opened.

Jeriann also sat on the executive board for Bell Senior Society, which is a group that recognizes leaders in entrepreneurship and technology. Additionally, Jeriann enjoyed the role of teaching assistant for Negotiations and Conflict Resolution (MGMT 291).


Jeriann shared her start-up experience with Philadelphia students as a teacher with the Financial Literacy Community Project (FLCP). As a student-led organization with support provided by the Management Department, FLCP teachers design and implement lessons that increase their students’ understanding of business concepts and ventures. Jeriann and a small group of peers worked at Dobbins High School. Their informative and interactive classes incorporated lessons on entrepreneurship, small group discussions, and student-driven long-term projects. Throughout that semester, students developed their own venture concepts. Later that year, Jeriann’s students pitched their ideas to a larger audience for the opportunity to win funding for their business plans.