Danielle Clanaman
Quantitative Studies
Professor of Marketing, Peter Fader’s, course, Statistics 476: Applied Probability Models in Marketing, was influential in Danielle’s decision to pursue a statistics concentration in the Wharton School. Stat 476 covers probability models that predict customer behavior and therefore inform marketing decisions. Professor Fader is a passionate teacher who integrates mathematical explanations with real-world applications. Danielle found the coursework challenging but exciting, labeling it the most interesting class she has taken at Penn. Danielle continued to work alongside Professor Fader through an independent study where she completed a large-scale data analysis project to determine how a particular probability model would perform in real-world situations. Through her work, Danielle uncovered valuable applications of her theoretical learning to commercial ventures. After graduation, Danielle plans to build on this experience as a data scientist.
Danielle approaches her coursework with an open-mind, seeking out challenging and interesting classes across disciplines. THAR 120: Introduction to Acting encouraged Danielle to develop her public speaking skills. In this small class, students work in pairs on activities ranging from breathing exercises to acting out scenes. At the end of the semester, each pair performs a practiced scene, an experience that Danielle found exhilarating, intense, and fun. A writer for her high school newspaper, Danielle continues to pursue her passion for writing at Penn. Danielle enjoyed Professor Sam Apple’s writing workshop, Extreme Noticing, in which she and her classmates were tasked with making the ordinary, extraordinary. Danielle also enrolled in Writing for Young Adults with author and teacher Beth Kepart where she practiced new skills by writing creative fiction for younger audiences.
Service to Society
Starting in sophomore year, Danielle was a teaching assistant, or TA, every semester. Among other courses, Danielle guided students in Management 100, a leadership course for all incoming first-year students (now Wharton 101), and several statistics classes including Introductory Business Statistics, Statistical Computing with R, and Probability. Danielle believes peer-to-peer teaching enriches the learning experience. As students themselves, TAs can help peers work through confusing concepts or challenging assignments. Danielle values building individual relationships with her students and helping them grow throughout the course. Danielle holds her office hours in Huntsman Hall, the home of the Wharton School and one of Danielle’s favorite places on campus. Danielle loves the activity and excitement in Huntsman, especially in the Forum, an open space perfect for working with peers, taking a study break, or saying hello to a friend.
Danielle served as a board member and leader on the Wharton Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Board (WAB), an organization that works closely with students, professors, and administrators to design and implement innovative and academically-oriented initiatives in Wharton. Some of WAB’s projects include looking at the female experience in Wharton, implementing interactive learning initiatives, and identifying how physical space can improve education. After serving as a board member for three years, Danielle became a co-chair in the spring of her junior year. In this role, Danielle oversaw all of WAB’s initiatives and attended weekly meetings with Wharton Undergraduate Division staff. Danielle met many of her best friends through WAB and valued being part of a well-run, community-driven organization that works to make a Wharton education the best possible experience for students.