Anmol Jain
Anmol came to Wharton hoping to explore and further her interests but was unsure of what exactly they were. She credits a combination of classes with engaging speaker events and conversations with upperclassmen and alumni in helping her discover a passion for data-based decision making and understanding human behaviors. She has pursued these interests through triple-concentrating in business analytics, marketing, and management, with a minor in psychology.
Some of Anmol’s favorite classes have shaped the way she views the world. Taking Professor Steven Blum’s Negotiations (OIDD291) course, she says, reframed her perspective by helping her realize how almost any interaction with others can be seen as a negotiation. The utility of the course became evident soon after when she negotiated her salary junior year internship – a process she credits Professor Blum with helping her navigate.
Through Professor Richard Shell’s Literature of Success (LGST227) course, Anmol learned how various historical figures – from Benjamin Franklin to Plato – have defined success. She is using those theories as launching points into her own investigation of what constitutes a successful life. As she moves toward graduation, she continues to cultivate her own definition of success, hoping to sustain the process of self-examination and introspection kindled through this class for years to come.
Campus Support
Anmol knew that Penn would expose her to a new world of experiences and perspectives. Inspired by the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote “The only way to have a friend is to be one,” she joined the Reach-A-Peer Helpline, an anonymous and confidential student-run support helpline whose training she believed would prepare her to be a good friend to other Penn students. Being a member of the Reach-A-Peer Helpline not only helped her learn about campus resources for mental health and wellness and how to be an effective peer supporter but also gave her a supportive community of peers and active-listening skills that have spilled over to other facets of her life. In fact, her feedback style, informed by this training was commended in her Wharton management courses.
Throughout her time at Penn, Anmol sought out and created other opportunities for students to get to know each other on a deeper, more personal level. She was one of the first board members of TableTalk Penn, an organization building a ‘conversation culture’ on campus by creating a framework for conversations between people who would not interact under ordinary circumstances. She also served as a board member of Penn Wellness, a student-run umbrella organization that brings together more than 20 wellness groups on campus and acts as a funding source to encourage wellness-focused initiatives.
Her time at Penn has shown her how much she values helping other students. Anmol understands that academic coursework and new experiences can be hard at times, and she enjoys offering support and resources when they’re needed most.
Culture and Identity
As an international student from Ahmedabad, India, Anmol found that the cross-cultural program Penn offers – in her case, both the semester-long Fellowship for Building Intercultural Communities (FBIC) program and the Asian Pacific American Leadership Initiative (APALI) – provided a structured setting to navigate and learn more about the culturally-rooted identities and perspectives of her peers and self. Her belief in human connection and similarity was reinforced early in her collegiate journey by close friends whose cultural backgrounds seemed vastly different from her own, but actually reflected the same values she held.