Making the Most of a Campus Visit
Remember, the school you choose isn’t just where you’ll be studying. It will be your home base for the next several years! Don't be afraid to ask how a campus can best serve you. Being on our campus is a great way to get a sense of what feels like a good environment for you. When you visit campus, you’ll also have the opportunity to speak to current students, and they’re a great resource for insight into daily life at Penn!
When you’re visiting us (or any campus!), some questions you may want to ask yourself are:
- Can I see myself on this campus? What do I feel, being here? Does it feel too big? Too small? Do I feel connected? Isolated?
- Can I see myself in this city or town?
- What resources/programs will I have access to that I’m excited about? Are there any resources that are important to me, and does this school offer them?
- What kinds of organizations, events, traditions, and groups exist on campus? Do any of those sound like things I want to participate in?
- What is the student experience like? Is it a competitive environment or a supportive one? Are students social? Does everyone know each other or is there anonymity?
Asking student tour guides about their specific experiences can be a great way to get a window into life at Penn. We encourage you to ask tour guides about their experience with questions like:
- What’s your favorite memory at your school so far? Why?
- What’s your favorite class or professor at your school?
- How did you meet some of your friends?
- Is there a resource for students who need support with their studies?
- Are you part of any clubs or groups outside of class that you recommend?
- What’s your favorite place on campus?
- What’s your favorite perk that comes with going to school here?
- What do you like about living in this city/town?