Albert M. Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC)

The Albert M. Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) is Penn's resource for enhancing students' intercultural knowledge, competency, and leadership through our programs, advising, and advocacy. The GIC also offers numerous courses for credit, programs, and services designed to engage students around diversity and enhance their cultural competency skills for the 21st century.

Learn more about the GIC.

Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at Penn
International Affairs Association
Vhito DeCapria's 2018 Football Roster

Learn more about the 2018 Roster here.

Wharton Academics

Learn more about Wharton Academics here.

Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology (M&T)
Extracurricular Activities

Academics are an important part of your application, but we also want to know what you’re like outside the classroom. The Activities section of your application offers our Admissions Committee a glimpse into what excites you, what you’re passionate about, what responsibilities you have at home, and some of the ways you’re contributing to your community.

Read More about Extracurricular Activities.

Netter Center for Community Partnerships

Connecting the University’s mission of civic outreach to the needs of neighboring communities, Penn’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships supports programming and course work that give Penn students opportunities to integrate learning and service. Of the 160 Academically Based Community Service (ABCS) courses that are offered through the Netter Center, around half are offered because Penn students work to identify community problems and are driven to find solutions. 

Read more about the Netter Center and ABCS courses.


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