Student on bench on College Green

Penn Admissions Blog

Sometimes You Have to Sit on a Bench
Nina | April 13, 2016

Sometimes you just need to sit on a bench. You have to stop walking. You have to stop looking without seeing.

Sometimes you have to walk into Ben & Jerry’s and spend five dollars on two scoops of ice cream. You have to eat it very slowly, because five dollars is worth savoring. You have to stop walking, stop looking without seeing, and sit on a bench.

Sometimes you have to remember that you haven’t had a clear mind in weeks. You have to feel wind against your face and realize the sun is setting. You have to eat your five dollar ice cream slowly, while you sit on a bench and try to see something.

You see something. You see people walking past very quickly. You see a baby waddling next to its parent. You see a leaf fall from a tree. You see someone kicking a soccer ball on a small patch of grass. You see people you know. You see people you might know in the future. You see the sky changing colors.

Sometimes you have to stop yourself mid-worry, take the elevator down 20 flights, walk out of your dorm and into Ben & Jerry’s, spend five dollars on a cup of chocolate peanut butter ice cream, sit on the first bench you can find, and really see the life that is happening right in front you.

About the author

I'm majoring in Nursing and minoring in Creative Writing. Although I grew up on a farm in South Jersey, my heart lies in the city. As for my campus involvement, I'm a dancer in Penn Masti, a radio DJ at WQHS Radio, and co-chair of Penn SNUGS (Penn Student Nurses Understanding Gender and Sexuality). I'm constantly caught in a daydream, have a passion for helping others, and plan on building myself an extraordinary life. Join me on my journey!

All photos are mine unless otherwise noted.


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